Friday, 20 January 2012

Just a quick post to say that we've been  told some of our loyal followers are having difficulties posting comments. Sian and James have managed but there seems to be an issue for most others. We'd love to hear your comments/news and would suggest you use our emails or if you have had difficulties and would like to contact us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you two, Don't know if my other posts have been seen but I will keep on sending them! Received Sue's e-mail regarding the agapanthus, weren't they lovely! And to think I am lovingly wrapping my two up in mulch and bubble wrap against the plummeting temps this week! very envious! it is wonderful to see and hear all about your jpourney especially through the photos and Alans posts. I am enjoying the link to your adventure! Enjoy! Pam x
